
It's great to find a toothpaste that is gentle on your sensitive teeth, but even better if you can find one that cleans and treats the symptoms of sensitive teeth. PerioSciences AO Pro Toothpaste Sensitive is created to do exactly that. Its powerful blend of natural extracts, antioxidants and essential oils freshens your breath, fights bacteria and promotes the production of saliva while also minimizing pain and tenderness. Your gums are soothed and rejuvenated and, over time, your teeth become more resistant to hot and cold temperatures. Your smile not only looks amazing, but feels amazing, too. Key Ingredients: Wild Mint Oil: soothes and refreshes sensitive gums while adding a layer of protection and freshening breath Potassium Nitrate: reduces tooth sensitivity with regular use Xylitol: promotes the production of fresh saliva, which cleanses your mouth, removes plaque and sweeps away bacteria



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