
GLO Brilliant Whitening Mouthpiece from GLO Science is the centerpiece of the GLO Brilliant Personal Teeth Whitening Device. Using G.L.O. (Guided Light Optic) technology, this regimen makes your teeth whiter and brighter while also boosting overall oral health by killing bacteria and promoting saliva production. Its unique formula stays put inside this ergo-dynamic designed mouthpiece, only clinging to your enamel, to prevent damage to the delicate tissues of your mouth. You'll look and feel better with only 4 applications (for only 8 minutes at a time).GLO Brilliant Whitening Mouthpiece includes: Brilliant Whitening Mouthpiece: An ergo-dynamic designed mouthpiece that protects the mouth while brightening teeth and boosting oral health. Brilliant Whitening Mouth Piece Case: A protective case for the mouthpiece. Please note: Timing between Before & After images is 5 days with 4 uses per day (32 minutes).



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